Do you know how many leads you must generate to meet your revenue target for 2016?
Do you have a plan to generate these leads?
Do you have a process to track your leads and improve your tactics every month?
If you answered NO to any one of these questions, you must develop a robust lead generation plan to meet revenue targets in your business for 2016. I am sharing with you a simple, yet effective process I use with my clients to increase leads generated in their business.
Download the Lead Generation Plan Template by clicking on the link below to plan, capture, track and improve your lead generation:
This Lead Generation Plan template is pre-populated with some of the commonly used marketing Hunting and Farming tactics.
Hunting tactics are intended to produce immediate results but require massive action. Examples of Hunting tactics are walk-ins, networking, referrals, telemarketing, advertising and direct mail.
Farming tactics require consistent and persistent action over a long period of time but will produce massive leads in the long run. Examples of Farming tactics are targeted e-mail, e-mail broadcast, social media and strategic partners. Chose a combination of relevant Hunting and Farming tactics to generate leads consistently in your business.
Modify this list or add more tactics that suit your specific business. Once you have identified the lead generation tactics that are relevant for your target market, plan the number of leads you generate with each tactic every month.
Your plan must be based on an activity map that helps you achieve these leads. For example, if you plan to generate 10 leads using Telemarketing, identify the actions needed to achieve this plan. It could be deciding on the number of dials needed per week if you are doing this yourself or hiring an outsourced telemarketer for a certain number of hours. Once you have the plan, measure your actual performance against the plan and review this every week and make adjustments to your action plan and future month projections to generate the right amount of leads needed for your business.
Download the Lead Generation Plan Template and use this process to plan, track and improve the effectiveness of your lead generation in 2016.