Wow Your Customers
Customer service can make or break your business. Your customers have little patience for lousy customer service and easily get tired of waiting in long lines, trying to get a live person on the line, going through an interrogation to return something or trying to communicate through a language barrier. If you provide them with…

Educate Your Customers
You must educate your customers before, during and after your product purchase. Well, consider this, many businesses focus solely on attracting new customers, but you NEED to spend a good chunk of your time retaining current and former customers. These are people you already know to be a good sales potential…they’ve already bought from you! Take…

5 Keys to a successful and reusable marketing campaign
You may offer the best product or service that’s uncompromising on quality and competitive in price, but without marketing no one will know about it. That’s why having a successful marketing campaign that targets potential customers is extremely important. But, developing one can be a challenging task to many entrepreneurs. Where do you start? What…

Create Your Own Niche Market to Boost Profits
Like it or not, we live in a time when prospects and customers demand specialization. They want to feel that they’re receiving the product or service they want and need from an authority or expert. You MUST position yourself and your business as that authority or expert, and you CAN’T do that while trying to…

Exit Your Business With High Valuation
Renowned organizational consultant Stephen Covey says that all success starts in one place: Your mind. He calls it “beginning with the end in mind” — having a clear vision of what you want before you begin, just like a building follows a blueprint. Nine times out of ten, when I work with entrepreneurs who are…

How to Increase Prices and Boost Profits
Have you ever wondered how much more profit you could make if you raised your prices? A common mis-conception is “If I raise my prices, I’ll immediately lose all of my customers… or at least a vast majority of them”. That explains why more than 90% of all small-medium businesses attempt to compete on price…

Hiring Right with an Employee Acquisition Plan
Hiring the right people is arguably one of the most important things you can do to support the long-term success of your business. And yet so many entrepreneurs approach hiring as an afterthought. They put a half-hearted placement ad and hope to get lucky and find the right employee. This is one of the biggest…

How To Scale Your Business – Right People doing the Right Things Right!
Scaling business is challenging even for established entrepreneurs. Many entrepreneurs I speak with find themselves trapped in their own company from time to time. Entrepreneurs start their business with huge dreams and aspirations, revolutionary ideas that can change the world (or at least make a tremendous impact on your industry). And yet, most of them lack…

What Is Your Marketing Equation?
Is your marketing focused on branding or lead generation? The objective of your marketing is to organize the buying and selling processes to present compelling information that persuades your prospects to take a specific action. Your marketing should inform and persuade your prospects, address the wants and needs of prospects so that they continue to…

Are you managing your time or is your time managing you?
Many of the business owners I work with come to me exhausted, discouraged, and at the end of their ropes. “There’s not enough time in a day,” they tell me. “I’m working harder than ever just to keep my head above water. I know I need to spend more time focusing on strategic growth, but…